Eman Channel A Real Media Alternative for the Muslim Family │ SKY 857 - المحسنين -->
المحسنين المحسنين
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Eman Channel A Real Media Alternative for the Muslim Family │ SKY 857

Eman Channel A Real Media Alternative for the Muslim Family │ SKY 857

بفضل الله تعالى تم إطلاق قناة دعوية جديدة في لندن يوم أمس كبدليل حقيقي للأسرة المسلمة.

انشروها ودلوا عليها غيركم وجزاكم الله خيرا.

Eman Channel A Real Media Alternative for the Muslim Family

An exciting new channel, providing entertainment for the Muslim family without compromising your principles.

رسالة من القناة لمن يريد التعاون معها:

We are always on the lookout for fresh and unique content to air on our growing channel.

We understand how important it is to look towards new concepts and ideas (within Islamic boundaries) in order to stay connected with our audience. Get in touch with us if you have any ideas for a programme that is currently being aired or if you want to see a completely new programme – we would love your input!

We’re also happy to work with any directors or film makers who want their work aired on Eman Channel. Perhaps you have an event that you would like for us to cover – don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

Although we are open to topics, please ensure that your work is suitable for English-speaking Muslim audiences. We want to be able to appeal to Muslims of different ages with material that is new, ‘off-beat,’ and engaging in a variety of ways. We appreciate work for the people, by the people, and understand that there will be several niches that have yet to be exposed to the Muslim community.

It is our goal to make Eman Channel into a broadcaster that Muslims from all cultures and ages can enjoy and benefit from… but this is only possible if we work together as a community.

For further information, or to discuss your ideas please e-mail: admin@emanchannel.tv with “Contribute” and the topic/idea as the subject headline.

القناة متوفرة على الأندرويد

للتواصل مع القناة:


+44 (0)20 3637 6857

أو عبر الرابط التالي:


إذا أعجبك محتوى مدونتنا نتمنى البقاء على تواصل دائم ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد المدونة السريع ليصلك جديد المدونة أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رساله بالضغط على الزر المجاور ...

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author المحسنين  إن الله يحب المحسنين الحمد لله رب العالمين، الحمد لله الذي لا إله سواه، حمدًا يُوافي نِعَم الله علينا، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن محمدًا عبده ...

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